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Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff
The thing about the cryo chambers is that it's typically easier to mix the cryoxodone with cryostylane, mash it into a pill, and force people to quaff it. Outside of crit, patches are a cheaper, readily available healer. Inside of crit, cryox doesn't (as far as I know) try to fix heart problems (though it does heal oxy damage), requires you to remove your patient's spacesuit that they *always* have, and from what I can tell prevents you from monitoring and interacting with the patient.

And besides, whatever salbutamol and a fuckload of patches won't cure, the cloner will. Unless they're a puritan, in which case thanks for the mess.

What about making the cryo units more of a lifesaving measure than they already are, and require an MDoc to run it? Kind of like a sleeper that'll more or less guarantee that you'll survive in some measure. If they're good and old, just hopping in will extinguish you and prevent your lifecycles from ticking, like a sort of stasis. Then, an MDoc would press the Heal Jerk button and start healing the jerk in the tube.

Then with that OP nobody-dies device that only MDocs could use to its fullest usefulness, the medkits and patches could be relegated as a boo-boo fixer and something to stabilize you long enough to get to the tube. MDocs have a purpose (went to medschool to press a button nobody else can), Sec and everyone else can keep patching up wrestling injuries, and everything's perfect forever.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff - by Superlagg - 12-20-2016, 02:58 PM

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