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Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff
I feel like we've finally come full circle on this issue. I remember on Cog1 when the amount of medical supplies was increased significantly to the point where medical doctors filled the entire lobby up with medkits, even creating various patterns with them. "Need medical assistance? Do it yourself!" they said. Now on Cog2, there's simply an excessive amount of supplies in medbay. People have almost ALWAYS trusted themselves over the doctors in medbay, I know from experience because I'm often a doctor running around chasing people with patches "HEY GUY YOU STILL HAVE POISON IN YOU COME BACK PLEASE."

In my opinion this isn't an issue with medical doctors specifically but with the mindset of most players who play on #2. Many of us are happier to just break in somewhere to get what we need instead of having departments cooperate, and I don't think taking away medical equipment access from certain jobs (especially security, we barely have people playing security ever) is going to help whatsoever. Janitor? Sure, no reason he should have access.

I don't play on #1 but this seems very reasonable from an RP perspective. If I were a doctor on a RP server I'd lose my mind if everyone just barged in all the time and healed themselves. On #2? Not so much. On an average shift I still get a lot done in medbay as a doctor. Some of the suggestions in this thread, like getting rid of self surgery, I think are very good and would go far to fixing this problem.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff - by Ludwig - 12-19-2016, 09:07 AM

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