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Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff
Eh, if it were up to me I'd swap the medkit storage with cryo, people want to heal themselves, let them use that.

As MD the kinds of injury that require the machines to fix are one of the few reasons you'll actually be able to do your job, aside from wandering the station looking for people too injured or dead to overreact to you getting close enough to heal them.

The mentality of injured players right now goes like this; head to medbay, ignore every healing item on the way, help yourself to the medkits and vending machines, run from the medical staff when they try to do their job and then leave the place in a state that's tedious for everyone to use. There have been times when I've ordered medical crates and left them in the lobby, taken tons of patches and pills and put them on the front desk, even stood outside medbay trying to help, people just walked straight past and ignored everything, going through or standing by the medbay doors waiting for them to open.

So yeah, you feel about as useful as a cardboard box with a smiley face drawn on it playing MD.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff - by Dr Zoidcrab - 12-19-2016, 05:35 AM

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