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Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff
Well medicine is already pretty damn effective. I'd say simply scaling it back for nonmedstaff would help. Have a message like "you apply this patch to x, you're not sure if you got that right" maybe even have a chance to do it wrong.

Also have a chance to make things worse. "you apply the styptic patch too close to their eyes, blinding them/yourself". Though it may be better to keep that to the harder chems.
Incentivizing and destinguishing med doctor play is my main point.
And while we're only light rp, it makes sense on an rp level for security and the like to not be good at it.

I think another solution, however, might be to upgrade the sleepers. Make it so the sleepers, when entered, inject a chem that instantly puts your health, chem ticks, and crit status in stasis for thirty seconds and sends a message to the pdas of medstaff that someone is in the sleeper and gives their general health stats and internal reagents. In this way you get med staff time to respond, the people dropping them are effective, sleepers get used again, and doctors get a push. if the sleeper detects no medical doctors it could also temporarily unlock med dispensers, though that may be more difficult to code.

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RE: Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff - by vampirate - 12-17-2016, 06:35 PM

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