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Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff
(12-17-2016, 04:41 AM)Sundance Wrote: Agreed with geneticists and the janitor.
Not agreed on the Secoffs: They are essentially MD's in emergency situations, taking this away from them will swing the balance into antagonists favor to the extreme.
Roboticsts need medical supplies to actually do any sort surgery, so no on that front.

And vampirate, I feel your problem is associated with the lack of things for MD's to do, rather than someone using medical supplies. I'm sticking to my guns in that self surgery should be removed and instead expanded upon, that way doctors can actually be useful in that sense. More ailments and trauma cases and ways to deal with them is what is also needed.

Well Roboticists and geneticists are medstaff so I wasn't wanting their access removed. Geneticists often end up having to heal their monkey's or people in the cloning room. I'm sorry about secops badluck but they too often just ignore the med doctors and heal people themselves. you know who should be md's in emergency situations? Md's. I'm not really concerned with more people dying to antags. It's why we have the cloner and robotics and maybe it'd lead to more people being borged.

And it kind of goes back to medical doctors being fun and having something to do so people actually want to play them. If sec isn't healing everyone they bring in, then maybe med doctor would be worth playing again? I mean for proof of this you need only look a couple years back when this was the case, and that was back when you could make tricord and heal everyone with no effort as a doctor.

They went and made medicine more involved, then they let half the staff do it. There's no reason to be an doctor and fi you look at the numbers on the people who choose the position, it shows.

I'm cool with more people having to get cloned if it comes to that, and honestly it's more fun for the antag if everyone and their pal can't simply heal up all the damage they do.

And again, there are medkits freaking everywhere on the station, limiting med access also increases the value of knowledge in the game, and encourages people to seek it.

I genuinely think it'll be healthier for the game in the long run. Mechanics might make more cloning machines again, and in general the value of medstaff goes up. I'm not talking about gutting the whole station. A sec with a stack of five hundred creds can stabilize someone outside of med bay.

To be fair I'm also not a huge fan of balancing the game around making antags easier to deal with.

I honestly think making the role of doctor valuable again would make more stay around. When I was around a year ago and people were still getting to know the medical system, it was fun to be a doctor because you were valuable. Now? meh, just be sec, you also get a gun. Also keep in mind I'm not suggesting security not get access to medbay, just dispensers and lockers. There's usually enough laying around to keep people out of crit. Maybe also use cpr again.

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RE: Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff - by vampirate - 12-17-2016, 05:25 AM

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