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Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff
Keep in mind I still think ALL med staff should have access. If it's low pop you're still going to be able to find medkits around. At the moment though, doctors are often superflous in medbay.

(12-17-2016, 03:37 AM)UmbraDrake Wrote: I can see both sides, but the thing is, I play some Security and we NEED the access to the Medbay vendors, especially if someone slashes us up with c-sabers or smashes your head in with a toolbox.

I'm not sure about Janitors having access though, wasn't aware that they had access to the vendors in the first place. No one else needs it, but Sec needs that fallback in case of serious issues.

Sec doesn't need that fallback, they should NEED the doctor. Or hell at least need a doctor to grab them a medkit. Security already starts out with medkits, There are tons of healing options available in the game. Sec doesn't need to shove the doctor out of the way and heal themselves, if they can make it to medbay they can get healed. Bear in mind I'm not advocating that they not be able to enter medbay, merely not open the lockers or dispense.

It also encourages roboticists to make medical drones again and people to actually let the drones do some healing.

I also think this encourages sec to get to know the nooks and cranny's of the station more. Sec's always done just fine letting medbay do the healing or scrounging up their own.

Shit drinking a soda will break down into some hits of epi to keep ya going.

And I'm sorry, if you got slashed up by a csaber you shouldn't be given a ton of options to save yourself including guns, dispenser access, and all manner of things.

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RE: Reduce the access to med dispensers and lockers to only medstaff - by vampirate - 12-17-2016, 03:37 AM

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