03-23-2013, 03:45 PM
Since the dawn of time, (space)man has tried to put things on them to make them better at things.
I don't think it should be a superpower-grade thing, though. It should have far more drawbacks.
- Electrocution shorts out your circuits temporarilly. If you get tasered or batoned, or shocked by a door or arc flash, you're going to drop shit and go blind
- The surgery itself is expensive! Like with robotics, the Cybernetics fabricator could be based on Mining ores and QM assistance, rather than ye olde robotics-style things of just oh-I'll-spend-20-minutes-researching-then-make-shit-with-metal.
definitely would be a fun thing though.
I don't think it should be a superpower-grade thing, though. It should have far more drawbacks.
- Electrocution shorts out your circuits temporarilly. If you get tasered or batoned, or shocked by a door or arc flash, you're going to drop shit and go blind
- The surgery itself is expensive! Like with robotics, the Cybernetics fabricator could be based on Mining ores and QM assistance, rather than ye olde robotics-style things of just oh-I'll-spend-20-minutes-researching-then-make-shit-with-metal.
definitely would be a fun thing though.