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steal ideas from the bad ideas subforum
i voluteer to look thru these links to give my inputs

1. sounds nice for robbing and framing ppl but it seems like the sort of thing that the coders said fuck no to so good luck with that

2. you ever painted a light with paint? it blocks the light! ridiculous!!!

3. arent there animal crates now? build your own zoo using rod grille cages, i believe in you

4. the recipe for holy water is very simple and easy now that the bar has chem dispenser. the only problem imo is the scarcity of beakers in the area

5. sounds like a version of the brainwashing implant thats worse in every way! but i do like the sounds of an implant that destroys the victims free will and slaves them to the law of robotics, but it should be reserved for the HoS to administer

6. sinks already fill containers with water, its nice

7. emergency oxy tanks can already now go in your pocket slot, making them compatible with a toolbelt. remember to overpressure them with either air or oxy canister and adjust the release pressure if using air and you can have hours worth of internals

8. turning people into ice cube with the proper chems in their bloodstream already serves as a form of "portable cryo"

9. pathology is already back, sort of, needs some work. atmos alo needs some work to make repressurizing rooms less of a pain, but i see nothing very special here. maybe an engi/construct borg tool dedicated to filtering and repressurizing rapidly WOULD be good. hey... whatever happened to that guy who was working on some big borg rework? did he died?

10. filler gimmick jobs such as lawyers and ambassadors and test subjects and boxers and shit already are on some kind of daily rotation, i think

anyway, i guess the notion of reviewing old "bad ideas" does have some merit, as conditions may have changed since they were rejected

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RE: steal ideas from the bad ideas subforum - by misto - 12-04-2016, 10:59 AM

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