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have there be some way to make the station into meatstation/hemera
as the subject suggests i think it'd be cool for an antag or an overzealous scientist to cause some kind of catastrophic fuckup to slowly turn the station into something resembling the hemera station (fucked up hellhole being claimed by the void with transposed scientists lurking around every corner) and the meat station (filled with meat monsters and the airlocks becoming fleshy and full of teeth that clamp down on you)

perhaps for the voidstation idea, you would have to wear both the black armor and obsidian crown which would render you as a playable lich with the ability to convert corpses into transposed monster people and convert the floor to void tiles.

and for the meatstation, maybe it could be a joint effort between the chef and engineering and research (as i recall i think at the end of meatstation there's a blobmonster sitting over some type of engine or turbine or something) that could cause a disturbance with the telesci computer and cause it to warp in the chef and a monster burger that coalesce into the aforementioned flesh-blob-monster which converts the tile it spawns on into a meat one that slowly turns the floor, walls, and airlocks into their meaty variant. and maybe have the pool become a pool of digestive juices if it gets that far.

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have there be some way to make the station into meatstation/hemera - by babayetu83 - 12-01-2016, 03:52 AM

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