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RP/Game mechanic friendly Extended Gamemode Revival
(11-29-2016, 09:15 AM)ferriswheel1 Wrote: What about if those cloned this way had no IC knowledge about what had happened before in the round? It makes sense, as the brainscans are a copy of their mind at the start of the destiny's voyage, with no way to update them with new memories. It also means you couldn't use metaknowledge from ghost chat, or rumble a stealthy murdering traitor.

Well no, not quite. The neural uplink is constantly connected to the Destiny. Once the uplink is offline (the brain is dead/gone), then the entire conciousness and memories of the person are slowly transmitted to CentComm via the communications satellite. If the connection to CentComm is offline then, welp, no revival unless some other method is used! 

Also, deadchat would be either blocked or mostly censored upon death. Also as a ghost that is eligible for revival at CentComm will only see blacked out, unnamed figures instead of actual people, much like a ghost drone. Once eligibility is nullified (setting DNR, having the Purity trait, or selecting to not be revived at CentComm) then you'll spectate.

Not metagaming from knowledge based off of deadchat is a difficult thing to do, as you have an internal bias and you'll either try and avoid a murderer or you'll try to counteract this and stick to them. Of course, whenever there IS an antag, rounds don't usually last too long.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Extended Gamemode Revival - by Maegor - 11-28-2016, 08:07 AM
RE: Extended Gamemode Revival - by aft2001 - 11-29-2016, 06:21 AM
RE: Extended Gamemode Revival - by babayetu83 - 11-29-2016, 05:36 AM
RE: RP/Game mechanic friendly Extended Gamemode Revival - by aft2001 - 11-29-2016, 10:10 AM

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