11-28-2016, 04:42 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about a public access smelter, there was one on cog1 in the QM warehouse but there's not really room for 2 smelters on destiny and I'm not entirely sure about making the current mining one general access. QM/mining access maybe. I'll think about it.
If you're suggesting getting rid of the sauna, the entire reason I finally added the pool and boxing ring and all of that was because spy bribed me in order to get a sauna on destiny, the rest just kinda came with it. You cannot beat his bribe and thus the sauna stays.
I originally tried to shuffle the departments around mining/QM so that mining was closer to QM and the magnet and mechanics was where mining is now, but that turned into a huge mess and I scrapped it. I might try that again at some point but we'll see.
If you wanna talk about some kinda engineering research lab that would be better in another thread. (Not that I have enough time or energy to work on something like that, it's just really barely on-topic for this thread)
(11-26-2016, 04:19 PM)Floorface Wrote: Well, the mining magnet got moved to the aft of the ship. Now the boxing ring, suana and pool are where the mining magnet were originally. I could definately see the arc smelter replacing some of the area such as the suana and small area with the couch to the right of the boxing ring.
If you're suggesting getting rid of the sauna, the entire reason I finally added the pool and boxing ring and all of that was because spy bribed me in order to get a sauna on destiny, the rest just kinda came with it. You cannot beat his bribe and thus the sauna stays.
(11-27-2016, 05:44 PM)Mordent Wrote: With the mining magnet being moved to the back of the ship, I'd be for mining in general to be relocated that way, along with a PTL added. Take the port aft maintenance bit (all 6 tiles of it), relocate the APC in there to the maintenance corridor off of medbay/security, and extend the engineering area there (that has the port SMES) to include a corridor to the PTL. With the starboard side, relocate the arc smelter to the maintenance at the aft end, and add the mining area in such that it is symmetrical with the PTL.
Put a door between the smelter and cargo that is accessible to the QM.
This would leave a bit of a void where the smelter/mining currently are, which opens up the possibility of a new lab to include some new mechanics (e.g. an engineering/research lab that allows fabrication of more advanced gear following some research).
I originally tried to shuffle the departments around mining/QM so that mining was closer to QM and the magnet and mechanics was where mining is now, but that turned into a huge mess and I scrapped it. I might try that again at some point but we'll see.
If you wanna talk about some kinda engineering research lab that would be better in another thread. (Not that I have enough time or energy to work on something like that, it's just really barely on-topic for this thread)