In my time working Genetics, I've learned a grave truth. Might be common knowledge by now, but...
Should you roll an apidae metabolism gene, the description seems to indicate all workers aboard the station are clones and always HAVE been clones, and that some of them have bee DNA in them.
I take this to explain why dead players one shift come back the next, but the more I think about it the more everything makes sense. A janitor one shift can become a Research Director the next, and the clown afterwards. No matter who the captain is, that is THEIR bonsai tree and THEIR pet cat Jones. And, of course, one of the station's most beloved and trusted members can wind up secretly being affiliated with the Syndicate on a bad day.
I don't know if the "clones" thing is there just to give an in-game reason for why Fun Things are allowed to happen, but if so... that sounds about right, right?
It'd also serve to explain why bees are so sacred to everyone on-board, it's residue from where they used bee DNA as filler for the cloning process.