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Genetics Age and Gender, Fart and Scream options
(11-21-2016, 02:02 PM)sartorius Wrote: Either for nefarious purposes or for playing smoke on the water with humanized monkey screams.

I'm gonna hijack this thread by agreeing with this idea, but also adding: Body injectors.

Have a seperate genetics tab, with the same options as the body tab has, but it doesn't work on who's in the scanner, it instead has a "create syringe" button. Pressing the button makes a syringe (like a dna injector) that gives anyone injected with it the same body things chosen in the menu. These syringes cost the same (research materials i mean) as injectors, can be stored like mutations and can be put in a speed injector (for fake ling hijinks).

This doesn't let you change their name, or identity, but can change age, fart and scream sounds, hair, skin, body type (and this includes monkeys cause you can already speed inject that i guess). This is of course only the body types you've scanned, as the current body tab works.

Or just mix the original body and new body windows into one. The syringes could be called "body alteration injectors" or something.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Genetics Age and Gender, Fart and Scream options - by NateTheSquid - 11-21-2016, 08:51 PM

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