Mentor Application: Bobbehluvspropane
i've been straggling around here for some time so here goes nothing

Usual Character Name: Rusty Shackleford
BYOND Username: Bobbehluvspropane
Recommended by (if applicable): [NONE] (lonely me)
Times Available: Generally around 8 AM to 5 PM, central US during weekdays, and 7-9PM, weekdays too. Depending on holidays/whatever I can either be around constantly for like three days or not around for three days, too.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):
Well, I've been chilling out at gibbed for a long time, and now decided to become more involved in the community/cult/gang here. I've been around since 2010, on and off for a time until 2012, which I began playing almost exclusively gibbed. I know mostall of the little tricks/sekrits of the 2D spaceman art, aside from the new and grumpy engine, but I'm reading up on that. I have a pretty advanced knowledge of chemistry, janiteering, non-engine based engineering, electronics, whatnot. I've got time (and sometimes 2D spacemen) to kill, and like to help out less robust players learn how to not break everything too.
A less vague summary of knowhow: I know what's proper and what's shit when taking SPACE LAW into consideration, from what would warrant confiscation and release to space gunbattles and parading the wizard's beard as a trophy. As stated before, I've got an advanced knowledge of most of the mid-upper tier level chemicals, but I'm still working on some of the higher-level recipes. I know how to work bombmaking, from mix to deployment (and still trying to land science-traitor so I can pull out all the horrible stops). I know structural engineering and electrical wiring, building of most-all devices that require you to shape metal, podmaking, a good amount of chef-based things, such as super-duper-ultra-fried-fried-morefried cake. And also I know a good portion of botany (how to grow shit and simple mutations) but I'm not really on par with vomit-plants yet (why is that a thing that's horribly great)
In conclusion, I believe I have the knowledge and attitude to answer any questions from newer players, and hopefully stop incidents like poor souls smacking powersinks with wirecutters, and shocking themselves fifty billion times in an unrelated matter. I'd be grateful if I were considered for being gifted with eye-blasting purple words.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum):
I once made a pizza guy write a Shrek joke on the box. (He didn't, corporate's hearing about that shit.)

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):
I was banned for 30 minutes for saying 'lulz' during my first week or so of playing.

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