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An Apology.
I'm writing this because it's the least I could do, after today's events.

Now some of you may or may not know but earlier today I was talking to my friend about secret chem recipes. He wound up telling me that he had most of them, and for whatever reason, I asked for the recipes of two chems. This quickly spiraled down into him posting our chat logs on the Goonstation Discord server. I write this to apologize for my shitty behavior and actions recently and any point in the past. 

I'm having a rough time in real life. I don't want to get into detail but it's involving a bunch of problems with my friends, family, and other things I'm not comfortable talking about here. Because of that, I've been being a piece of shit to people I shouldn't be. One of my biggest fears is being ostracized by people from a community I enjoy, so after calming down and making a plan of action, I apologize to everyone I've been shit to in the past month or so.

I apologize to my friend, who I harshly asked for a secret I should instead of earned fairly. I'm sorry for the Goonstation coders and admins, for trying to ask my friend to break one of the rules on our servers, and for trying to discover the secret chem recipes illegitimately. I'm sorry to Mordent, after I know how it feels to not want to play this game anymore because of someone's poor actions. I'm sorry to Wraithcraft, for being a generally bad person to them on the RP server and getting in a huge argument with him over what was essentially nothing.

I don't want for you guys to hate me. SS13 is one of the few things that keep me going. I love being able to do fun stuff with people on the RP and non-RP servers. I hope you can accept my apology for my shitty behavior and we can continue being friends in this community.

Messages In This Thread
An Apology. - by Schwicky_Schwag - 11-18-2016, 06:11 PM
RE: An Apology. - by Burrito Justice - 11-19-2016, 09:23 AM
RE: An Apology. - by Wraithcraft - 11-19-2016, 09:51 AM
RE: An Apology. - by The_Rain - 11-19-2016, 04:00 PM
RE: An Apology. - by atamusvaleo - 11-21-2016, 08:31 AM
RE: An Apology. - by aft2001 - 11-21-2016, 10:39 AM
RE: An Apology. - by Wire - 11-21-2016, 12:23 PM
RE: An Apology. - by Avack - 11-21-2016, 02:41 PM
RE: An Apology. - by Grek - 11-21-2016, 02:42 PM

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