11-16-2016, 06:50 AM
Also more cyberorgans! (surgery would have to be tweaked or remade to allow this)
Cyberlungs filter out toxins and bad stuff from the air you breath in (there still has to be air to breath...) except N20 (unless emagged), a lot like hyposprays.
Cyberkidneys and livers filter out toxins in the blood
Of course, electric shock would disable these. Disabled cyberlungs would cause suffocation damage until they restart, and disabled cyberkidneys and cyberlivers will cause toxin damage to accumulate until they restart.
Also maybe a machine that moves one's consciousness into a cyberbrain, which won't rot or suffer from insanity or brain damage. However electric shock would IMMEDIATELY knock someone out for a while until it restarts.
Cyberlungs filter out toxins and bad stuff from the air you breath in (there still has to be air to breath...) except N20 (unless emagged), a lot like hyposprays.
Cyberkidneys and livers filter out toxins in the blood
Of course, electric shock would disable these. Disabled cyberlungs would cause suffocation damage until they restart, and disabled cyberkidneys and cyberlivers will cause toxin damage to accumulate until they restart.
Also maybe a machine that moves one's consciousness into a cyberbrain, which won't rot or suffer from insanity or brain damage. However electric shock would IMMEDIATELY knock someone out for a while until it restarts.