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Barman Traitor Item [The chemi cloaker]
"Hmmm the chemistry dispencer is stupidly powerful and all, but the barman also has a shotgun and body armor to make everybodies life hell. What can we do to balance traitor-barman out vs other traitor-classes?"
"I know, lets make it so he can all those horrible chems with complete impunity even when people are paranoid enough to use reagent scanners to test their drinks. But also make that thing unavailable to scientists, because it would not make sense that people whose job it is to do impossible things with chems would be able to do impossible things with chems."

If this is even technically possible, I still don't think it would improve the experience for either traitor-barman and especially anybody else. The Chems are not where the barman needs help.
Sorry for coming down hard, and I do encourage you to keep at it, but this isn't it.

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RE: Barman Traitor Item [The chemi cloaker] - by The Grim Sleeper - 11-05-2016, 11:36 AM

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