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I was actually thinking that the transformation should work on an uncontrollable cycle. Like 10 minutes as a human, 5 minutes as a wolf. As a human they act like a normal crewmember but as a wolf they are consumed with the desire to eat people. They know they are going to transform, they can't help when they transform, and when they do they can't stop themselves. They run into hiding when they change back so nobody knows that they are the werewolf, and try to slip back into the crowds.
In this case, when they transform their clothes should rip to shreds (so nobody can track it to a job) and they should keep their ID's, but not actually be wearing it so their name isn't given away.

Honestly, this mechanic I could give or take, I just think it'd be an interesting way to vary it from the other gamemodes. Instead of it just being horror form changeling but as a wolf.

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