03-16-2013, 11:08 AM
So I figured if werewolves are in testing, somebody needs to make a thread for idea dumping.
Me and some others were talking in dead chat about how werewolves need improving. They're very vunerable at the moment, like a horror form changeling without any of the abilities. Good punch strength but not subtle at all. The second the HoS opens the roit gear you're dead.
So after bouncing around ideas we suggested, how about werewolves only be killable with silver. You can attack them, lower their health and generally slow them down, but you can't knock them into critical or below without a silver weapon.
Now this would call for some additions. Maybe make the cutlery in the kitchen silver, give the detective silver rounds he can put in his gun which suck against everyone except werewolves. Some things like this, because at the moment it's very easy to kill werewolves if there's nothing else distracting you.
Me and some others were talking in dead chat about how werewolves need improving. They're very vunerable at the moment, like a horror form changeling without any of the abilities. Good punch strength but not subtle at all. The second the HoS opens the roit gear you're dead.
So after bouncing around ideas we suggested, how about werewolves only be killable with silver. You can attack them, lower their health and generally slow them down, but you can't knock them into critical or below without a silver weapon.
Now this would call for some additions. Maybe make the cutlery in the kitchen silver, give the detective silver rounds he can put in his gun which suck against everyone except werewolves. Some things like this, because at the moment it's very easy to kill werewolves if there's nothing else distracting you.