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Mageziya's Irrelevant Sprites
So I was getting the itching to sprite again, though I didn't know what to sprite.

Then I remembered that spook-tober day was in a few days. So, I present to you a werewolf in an animu dress.

[Image: CV9mnGz.png]

Totally not based off of anything at all. (It is.)

[Image: ygPKrSC.gif]

I don't know if werewolves can even wear "jumpsuit" type clothes in this game, I just made this atrocity because why the hell not. Also, looking at the gif, I forgot to add a tail-hole for the wolfo. Whoops.

Also works with humans!
[Image: hszjOph.png]

[Image: N09PhpL.gif]

The DMI's for this are are far from complete and there are no in-hand or item sprites. I'll make those if there's any interest in putting this in the game, since they're a bit of a hassle to make. As for actual use in the game, it could be for a dumb achievement unlock or the like, since we already have Dio's outfit for vampires, so we may as well go full weeb with the spooktober stuff. I'm also rather sleep deprived as I'm writing this so I have no idea how coherent this sounds.

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