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Extra Insulated Gloves Removal - AKA: Unpopular Idea Thread
Honestly I never use the yellows if I'm not already wearing them... unless everything is shocked, of course.

Why do people get them (outside of shocked doors)? Door hacking? Multitool availability makes this a non-issue these days. Packets too. Shockgloves? That I understand, but makes me more inclined to flush the extras every round. They look neat? Hey, I empathize with this the most.

Get shocked is a mild inconvenience and all objects reset after 30 seconds of being pinged. Not a big deal unless somebody hotwired the engine.

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RE: Extra Insulated Gloves Removal - AKA: Unpopular Idea Thread - by Vitatroll - 10-18-2016, 01:39 AM

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