10-12-2016, 07:49 PM
A crime against humanity, the universe, and Nanotrasen happened on #1 earlier.
Here's how it goes:
It started out as a normal round, Roman Lawhon joining as a pharmacist. He gets an idea to make a sitcom about multiple clones of himself. Cash Clewett, unknowingly assisting in defying the will of God, decides to help Roman by using some of Roman's blood and some Stable Mutagen to turn some monkeys turned human into him. Next thing we know, Roman brings up the fact he can literally marry himself once one of the monkeys are converted.
This is the beginning. Of the end.
Later, fake Lawhon decides to beat the shit out of the real one, and gets his head taken off, and later re-applied. Then, the tuxedo (for the real Lawhon), the dress (for the fake Lawhon), and the rings are bought. The universe, deciding to interrupt this unholy act before it can truly begin, starts up a wormhole storm. Roman Lawhon is warped away to the listening post, where he dies. A couple minutes after, an alert of a nuke being armed is broadcast, and Roman is respawned as a syndie, who turns himself into a wedding crasher, and shoots some dudes, then Osiris puts him into crit. The syndie then suicide bombs Osiris Jones, the only remnant being his sick as fuck HoS Beret.
Then, the antag respawn begins.
And the RNG favored me.
As a new member of the Wizard's Federation, I write a note congratulating them on the horrendous crime.
Soon after giving them the letter of approval, the server had enough of this crime against humanity, and crashes.
Not only #1, but #2 as well.
That's the story about how Roman Lawhon killed both servers.
Here's how it goes:
It started out as a normal round, Roman Lawhon joining as a pharmacist. He gets an idea to make a sitcom about multiple clones of himself. Cash Clewett, unknowingly assisting in defying the will of God, decides to help Roman by using some of Roman's blood and some Stable Mutagen to turn some monkeys turned human into him. Next thing we know, Roman brings up the fact he can literally marry himself once one of the monkeys are converted.
This is the beginning. Of the end.
Later, fake Lawhon decides to beat the shit out of the real one, and gets his head taken off, and later re-applied. Then, the tuxedo (for the real Lawhon), the dress (for the fake Lawhon), and the rings are bought. The universe, deciding to interrupt this unholy act before it can truly begin, starts up a wormhole storm. Roman Lawhon is warped away to the listening post, where he dies. A couple minutes after, an alert of a nuke being armed is broadcast, and Roman is respawned as a syndie, who turns himself into a wedding crasher, and shoots some dudes, then Osiris puts him into crit. The syndie then suicide bombs Osiris Jones, the only remnant being his sick as fuck HoS Beret.
Then, the antag respawn begins.
And the RNG favored me.
As a new member of the Wizard's Federation, I write a note congratulating them on the horrendous crime.
Soon after giving them the letter of approval, the server had enough of this crime against humanity, and crashes.
Not only #1, but #2 as well.
That's the story about how Roman Lawhon killed both servers.