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Allow Chaplain to Communicate with Ghosts More
(10-12-2016, 12:31 PM)Totheark Wrote: I have to agree with Ed Venture here for the balancing respect. In terms of balance, it's a god awful idea to let the chaplain communicate with ghosts at all time for almost any reason. Maybe that can be fit into a traitor item of some sort. But so much metagaming would occur, it's not worth it. With the whole "invisible area" idea, I really don't see how this could work at all. Not in game terms at least. Would the area just be there and random people can bump into it if they can't see it? Does it not exist to anyone who doesn't have the goggles? Where the hell would it be? It feels like an interesting idea to have a "ghost lobby" or an area the ghosts can play games in while they wait, but that doesn't sound like a great way to implement it. As for the rituals you suggested, conducting an orchestra sounds like a stupid "ritual", rather maybe we should just allow Ghosts to interact with instruments like the Organ, it can't be used for metagaming purposes and it's still a fun little idea. You can already set up chairs in the chapel, and ask the ghosts to spin them to "communicate" with them, there's no need to implement a feature for that. Stuff like "summoning rituals" should most likely be locked to admin intervention, to be honest. I don't see how it would work well otherwise. And once again with the "all humans can hear ghosts" thing, absolutely not, the last thing we ever need is that level of metagaming. Maybe while inside the chapel the chaplain may see random ghosts flickering in and out of reality or have a higher chance of hearing them, but otherwise not really.

I never said rituals. Ever. You are reading what you want to read. What I originally suggested had nothing to do with hearing. You could see them and hear gimmicky things like instruments. But upon thinking, i thought, this will never be implamented, have fun. Its supposed to be taken lightly. You don't have to say everything is bad. The others are suggesting other ideas instead of some I have thought of. Its not then saying it sucks, its them saying this is cool, however, what about this?

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RE: Allow Chaplain to Communicate with Ghosts More - by MagicStudiosGuy - 10-12-2016, 01:02 PM

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