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[Syndicate Item] Meat Monster
SOMEONE GIVE ME SOMETHING TO SPRITE WITH DAMNI- I mean, uhm, someone tell me how to sprite so I can add sprites.


Costs about 8 Telecrystals.

It starts as a small cube of meat.
It does nothing except be carried or lied on the ground. A few hits could easily destroy it.
When examined it says: 
A disturbing piece of meat, that's alive.
Once fed the equal to a human corpse in terms of meat, (Botany Plants can be fed as well) it will grow up one. When it grows up, it'll start at half health in it's next phase. If it regains all health (by being fed) it will grow once again to half health. If all of it's health depletes it will go down a phase to half health.

After growing once, it will have grown into a Meat Chunk.
It does nothing but eat meat and be carried.
When examined it says:
A slightly moving piece of meat, it seems to be trying to eat itself.
It'll grow once fed two human corpses in amount of meat.

It will then grow into a Meat Pile.
It cannot be carried, but can be pulled. It'll try to smack anyone near it other than the Chef, dealing very, very small damage. It'll try to eat anything dead around it. Normal Meat counts as dead.
When examined it says:
Ew! A giant pile of twisted meat! It's trying to grab nearby objects to eat.
When pulling a dead corpse towards it it says:
Several pieces of meat stretch and start to absorb ______
It'll grow once fed three human corpses in amount of meat.

It will then grow into a Meatling.
This little thing can walk around, and will try to chase down meat and humans and devour them. It's pretty much a Man-eating plant at this stage without the extra noises.
When examined it says:
Man eating Meat? Or Man-Eating Meat? What has science done?
When devouring someone it says:
It begins to swallow _______ whole! It doesn't have a mouth, but trust me on this one.
It'll grow once fed four human corpses in amount of meat.

It will then grow into a Meat Man.
This thing isn't small, and will actively walk around and trying to pry open doors (which will take it about 30 seconds.). It will chase it's prey and then stun them with a powerful whack to the legs. It will then begin to whack at the other person's head, dealing light brute damage but also brain damage. Every whack will have a chance to remove the person's headgear, and once their mask and headgear are off it will then begin to choke the person and devour them whole like a Changeling Abomination to an unarmed staff assistant.
When examined it says:
A particularly rude meat man.
When taking someone's headgear off it says:
The Meat Man seems to have knocked off the ________
When devouring someone it says:
The Meat Man starts to digest _______ from the outside!
It'll grow once fed five human corpses in amount of meat.

It will then grow into THE MEAT MONSTER.
The meat monster does massive, brute attacks. The Meat Monster first seeks to kill everything around it (besides Chef) and THEN feast. The Meat Monster moves at normal speed, and it's attacks are no laughing matter. It will do one of the three things:
  • It'll try to bite you, if succeeding it'll eat one of your limbs. Could be your head. Not your Chest.
  • It'll try to slam into you, if succeeding it'll knock you 10 tiles back and deal medium Brute Damage and good Stun Damage.
  • It'll try to whack you, if succeeding it'll lightly stun you and deal massive Brute Damage, possibly taking off a limb.
The only counter at this point is fire, which the Chef can easily distinguish if helping. The Meat Monster will also constantly change targets after every attack, so that you're not instantly killed the moment it wants to eat you. Unless it bites your head off, in which case RIP.
When Examined it says:
Is this karma for eating that hamburger?
When slamming into something it says:
The meat monster slams into ______, sending them FLYING back!
When biting someone it says:
The meat monster bites ________'s ____ off! Holy shit!
When whacking someone it says:
The meat monster lightly slaps _______ away.
Whenever it eats now, it doesn't eat to grow, but to gain health. It starts off with heavy health and will stop eating once as max health. Atleast, until it's damaged again.

Messages In This Thread
[Syndicate Item] Meat Monster - by YoukCat - 10-06-2016, 11:12 AM
RE: [Syndicate Item] Meat Monster - by YoukCat - 10-06-2016, 11:23 AM
RE: [Syndicate Item] Meat Monster - by SpaceNaba - 10-06-2016, 12:13 PM
RE: [Syndicate Item] Meat Monster - by YoukCat - 10-06-2016, 12:17 PM
RE: [Syndicate Item] Meat Monster - by YoukCat - 10-06-2016, 02:16 PM
RE: [Syndicate Item] Meat Monster - by Nnystyxx - 10-06-2016, 06:03 PM
RE: [Syndicate Item] Meat Monster - by Roomba - 10-06-2016, 06:51 PM
RE: [Syndicate Item] Meat Monster - by misto - 10-06-2016, 09:17 PM

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