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Impose Austerity On Station To Improve The Game
I think we're all kinda missing a big key point here.

Reducing the accessibility of areas and the amount of supplies for the crew drastically increases inter-department and inter-player dependence for basic functions.

I notice a lot that people always talk about that as a good thing. Anybody who's actually dealt with it in the game knows that dependence on anyone or anything on goonstation is FUCKING AWFUL.

One of the key points of having to rely on others for things is competence, something you may remember that the majority of players on goon completely lack. We all know the pain of sitting there and watching the clueless roboticist ditz around with your brain after stealing you out of genetics as someone failed to scan or clone you, left you for dead when a simple push could have saved you, let you die of suffocation and shock in medbay because you couldn't yell at them to get you the oxy medkit and they just kept slapping you with patches, or otherwise just straight up completely useless if not a hindrance.

Don't make it even more a pain in the ass to simply navigate the station, whether shit has hit the fan or not and reduce people's ability to save themselves whether it be knowing where to get tools, how to navigate past treacherous areas, or knowing where life saving chems can be found or made far from medbay. It'll make everything more an exercise in tedium than it already can be.

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RE: Impose Austerity On Station To Improve The Game - by Xeram - 09-20-2016, 08:43 AM

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