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Impose Austerity On Station To Improve The Game
1. Windows shouldn't be removed. Cogmap2 with its size and spread can feel lonely. The windows help crew to interact. Make them more durable if you have to, limit throwing damage to windows, whatever, but don't exacerbate that problem.

2. Ghost drones are for dead-dead-DEAD players to have something to do. It is not at all comparable to being borged or cloned, because you effectively forfeit any ability to affect the round besides like, fixing breaches and making cool bars in space. It's also your only option if you got gibbed/the cloner blew up like it always does.

3. There are a lot of hellchems and it's pretty trivial to make some of them. I like testing them on monkeys, though. I just dunno what to do about that one.

4. If people don't know what to do, make a greater emphasis on the wiki. Also, people aren't really expected in the current culture to do their jobs most of the time. Part of Goonstation's draw is that you aren't forced into anything, even as an antagonist. We'd be losing something if we became too aggressive about enforcing competence.

5. I've had my life saved by the odd useful thing lying around. Boxes, suits, whatever. If we have to trim the fat of what's accessible, fine, I guess. You know what I like about there being more gloves? I don't have to pester other players 24/7 to be able to do things and I don't have to roll a job department I usually don't play (engineering) to have Guaranteed Gloves:tm:. That crowds people out of roles they actually want for their gameplay so they can get the Rare Good Stuff, I feel.

6. Put more emphasis on the Quartermaster and Cargo, and expand his potential inventory. Right now it's very easy to ignore it and the merchant stands are usually ignored in favor of the smelter/etc. Also, you could easily not even notice for weeks that the Warehouse is directly next to the smelter, and not everyone can even access the Warehouse.

EDIT: Please don't kick my ass. This is mostly in response/counterargument to Ed Venture and some of DonglordActual's points. None of this should be taken as suggestions for suggestions' sake, moreso responses to concerns I've seen thus far.

EDIT2: I am in support of windows being hard to break without actual explosions and otherwise requiring tools. There's a lot of shenanigans and subtlety missed out on by the classic 'hit it with an oxygen tank' method.

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RE: Impose Austerity On Station To Improve The Game - by Nnystyxx - 09-19-2016, 02:59 PM

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