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Remove the ability for blobs to spawn offstation
I'm noticing a huge disparity between what people think off-station blobs do and what they actually do.

Basically, if there's two blobs, you have one of them spawn its nucleus in the syndie teleporter room, then you have the other one spawn on station.

The key is to make sure the listening post blob doesn't expand much or at all in the beginning.

The blob on station grows as normal, but if it ever runs into trouble, the listening post blob swoops in and starts building off the station blob. Since the listening post blob hasn't expanded at all, it can still take advantage of the starter assistance expansion bonus. This lets it quickly overwhelm any threats to the on-station blob by rapidly engulfing any offending parties and absorbing them.

Once both blobs have absorbed enough victims, the listening post blob can start expanding as normal on station. Once the original station blob expands enough to place a second nucleus, it plants one on the listening post.

Boom, now you have two blobs that can only be removed from the station by removing every trace of them, not just the nuclei.

I've only ever seen one or two "friendly" blobs in space, but I've personally used the above strategy quite a few times.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Remove the ability for blobs to spawn offstation - by Noah Buttes - 09-17-2016, 07:45 AM

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