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Station Concept
I kind of think if mars/underwater/ice station ever becomes a single server gimmick, it would be kind of cool to have multiple outposts with a specific job, and a series of underground catacombs (sewage/maintenance system, maybe with poo) that would connect them as a slightly more dangerous alternative, where it's significantly easier to get lost if you don't know where to go.

E.g A hub outpost, that connects the fun things with a small security office and a small medical office for minor injuries (e.g boxing related injuries)

A medical research outpost, with research and a fully functional medbay, so that things like diseases can be taken care of more or less. Botany could be rolled into research with some sort of connection to kitchen for food.

A engineering outpost, in charge of power, and also for electricians to work in.

A full prison station, with a small prison and court type setup, and then some individual prison cells.

Escape and travel could either be done by gearing up in a spacesuit and venturing outside, or opting to use the catacombs and hopefully not get too lost. In effect they'd serve as maintenance tunnels but also as a way for people to hide from security, or get into other sorts of trouble. Pods and ships could stay as a method of transport. More dangerous places in the catacombs could be accessible, and walking into the wrong area could get you lost in a catacomb in some other zlevel.

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