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Wraiths and items that interact with them
i intended for photo cameras to become like a weapon against the wraith, but i am really liking how u guys are spinning it into something more. very creative!

perhaps you could re-use a modified version of the post-sol disaster round map as a secret z-level for this purpose. unfortunately, considering how many rounds go, the nightmare world station might be more hospitable and intact than the real thing sometimes.

that is all quite ambitious. i think it is more productive right now to focus on small improvements to how wraiths operate and how the crew combats them.

heres a notion - that dark purple mining ore that looks like bits of eldritch artifacts. stuff made of that stuff, or alloyed with it, should have a bonus to hurting wraiths, or to coaxing them into manifesting, or something. so, walls and floortiles made of the stuff or alloyed with it could act like permanent salt that doesnt get scuffed! ppl would have to bother mining it and forging it first, so it is not too strong. it could even be a non-guaranteed manifest, like a 50/50 chance that goes down with the more things it is alloyed with.

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RE: Wraiths and items that interact with them - by misto - 09-03-2016, 08:30 AM

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