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Wraiths and items that interact with them
wraith is cool new enemy, but needs some more fleshing out in my opinion, so let's put on our supernatural thinking caps

thermal goggles.

traditional hauntings produce cold spots and temperature fluctuations. thus, thermal goggles should be able to act as low-rent ecto-goggles, occasionally revealing a wraith as a cold-spot. they don't have to work perfectly, but anything is a plus. should become useless for this task in an already cold room.

photographic cameras.

inspired by the old "taking a photo steals yer soul" legend and the "fatal frame" video games, photographic cameras such as are found about in various locations and which are carried by tourists and journalist. but what should their exact function be? should they force the wraith to manifest physically to be beaten up on if you get lucky and click its photo? if that is too harsh, maybe it could just drain out a hefty percentage of their wraith magic or something

the oujia board.

beware! many are the tales of demons and evil spirits using the ouija board for evil. if anything, the ouija board should probably be kept locked away if the wraith is about. the wraith should get bonuses for using the ouija board to commit evil deeds. maybe it could be unusually strong and beefy if animated, or grant some spells normally outside the wraiths repertoire if inhabited, or give wraith magic points generation bonus

the haunted candle.

its a dang haunted candle! good thing its usually kept somewhere where it wouldnt do much damage. wraith could use it to shoot fire. spend more magic points for more and more fire. however, enough fire extinguisher blasts should put out the candle and leave it weakly bumping into people.

holy water.

does holy water affect wraiths? i havent tried it out much, because those tricky wraiths are hard to catch! if not, maybe it should!

other haunted spooky shit.

buddy if you bring extra haunted spooky shit in from the debris field and adventure zones while the wraith is about you should be made to REGRET it if the wraith gets its grubby tendrils on it. but maybe some could also work against the wraith? what do you think?

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Wraiths and items that interact with them - by misto - 08-30-2016, 01:45 AM

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