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horseshoes, except with clothes
if you toss some article of clothing(or just an item that fits a slot) at someone and that slot isn't filled for their character, maybe there could be a chance of it draping over their body/eyes/head/wherever depending on what item it is. example: throw the clown mask at someone and have it stick to their unoccupied mask slot.


toss VR goggles at someone and maybe trap them in VR for a few seconds while you beat them with your e-saber.
force the detective to play CSI: Miami.
toss sunglasses at your friend in a scuffle to protect him from that jerk with a flash.
toss a spacesuit at someone to slow them down a bit.
toss a straightjacket at someone to slow them down a LOT.
toss a lit syndicool at someone and maybe it lands in their mouth before it explodes.

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