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Destiny Game Mode Frequency Suggestion
So, I love the LLJK1 server. Not too big, not too small, just the right mixture of shenanigans. Then, after some time, it was set to extended, permanently. Now, don't get me wrong, extended can be fun as well, but, after you're murdered in cold blood for the 3rd or 4th time, you start to wonder.... wonder if it would be possible for something to happen! So, here's my suggestion: Have every 3 or 4 rounds be a secret round. But not just any secret round, an RP enforced secret round, with little to no assassination objectives. This would ensure that secret would be fun, and not just murder-fest. Now, in the case of some of the less fun gamemodes, Like Nuke or Blob, they chance for those could be watered down. So, instead of every 1/6 secret rounds being nuke, it could be 1/8, something to that effect. Again, this would enforce more fun RP, less "Get dat fukken disk". I would love if you all can give me some feedback on this idea.

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Destiny Game Mode Frequency Suggestion - by Wraithcraft - 08-19-2016, 11:12 AM

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