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[Random Event] Escape Shuttles from Other Stations
This is just a really brief tossing of an idea I got at the end of a round:

So a particularly hostile round ended with a blob nucleus on board the shuttle, and i watched as it crept into Centcomm. it didn't get very far because the round restarted. 

Then it hit me: What if escape shuttles from nearby stations, in desperation, sought refuge aboard ours?

These random escape shuttles could include Generic NPC mobs, Aliens, Blobs, Kudzu, etc...

After a certain amount of time (5 minutes tops?) the shuttle will depart after refueling, OR if a crew member boards it and manually engages it's warp drive, shortening it's take-off to 10 seconds like an emag would.

This thread was mainly to provoke a discussion on what I think would be a cool concept of a random event, so please share your thoughts.

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[Random Event] Escape Shuttles from Other Stations - by Moon Jesus - 08-12-2016, 02:03 PM

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