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What do you do when someone says "shit sec"/"supercop" as a player?
Honestly I ignore them or at most tell them if they have issues with how I play security to adminhelp me. At the end of the day the only opinions that matter are the admins.

Now if they keep singling you out round after round saying you are shit or whatever you might want to adminhelp them. I've had experiences where a person would rant about me whenever he saw me and it got to a point where he would join as my in-game name and be shit in some dumb attempt to make me look bad in this community (I don't need help in that regard by the way) There was even a time I caught him doing this and he spaced me. He got banned for doing that stuff but if I adminhelped his behavior before it got that far he might have not gotten banned over it. That was months of drama over one security round that could've ended better if I adminhelp about him. But I found it too funny at the time.

What I'm trying to say is people will call you a super cop, shit sec or shit in general. In most cases the best thing to do is to tell them to adminhelp their issues with you and move on and if they keep coming back round after round to yell at you, then you may want to adminhelp them before they get to the point where they metagame and get themselves banned.

Or just make fun of them that works as well. But might make things worse but to each his own. Ignoring them is the best thing you can do cause for a security player if you do something seriously wrong the admins will come down on you hard and again their thoughts are the only ones that should matter to a security player

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RE: What do you do when someone says "shit sec"/"supercop" as a player? - by Ed Venture - 08-08-2016, 04:37 AM

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