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Mageziya's Irrelevant Sprites
Lots of things:

First off: Open/Refill sprites! The sprite for when you shove a gas tank into a canister. Every canister uses the same overlay.
[Image: 971fd9185e9593a415e5d87bb7f6e98e.png]

Next: Ruptured sprites! AKA for those moments when you screw up or when the fire that's consuming the station spreads too far.

[Image: 695fdf303233ea507a8ea0540ae6105f.png]

All that's left for the sprites are the canister bomb sprites. I've run into some problems with the sprite feeling weird and clunky, though.
[Image: be8a8c23d12819565a8774b0f0491c73.png]

On the far left is the original sprite for reference. Next is a new sprite in the style of original, and on the right is a new appearance done to try and match the appearance of the primer assembly.

My problem is that nothing really looks good at the moment for the canister-bombs, and space is extremely limited for the sprites. I also have concerns that, depending on the way the layering works, the new open-door/refill sprite will break the appearance if it is somehow layered below the assembly sprite, since you can still refill tanks in a canister when the assembly is attached.

Edit: Still not sure on the can-bomb sprite: [Image: 102286d91130ce6bdf4598336a92848e.png]

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