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The Day of Destiny (LLJK #1 RP Campaign - Thank You For Playing!)
I was the wendigo in round 2. I was awoken from my hibernation by the sounds of prey screaming words I had little interest in, as my hibernation had left me hungry. Paranoia had made them distrustful and violent, and I seized the opportunity to feed upon their flesh, one by one. As I feasted upon them, I gained their knowledge. The Theta survivor coughed blood as I dug into her chest to tear out the meat, telling me she had led them here into a trap, but I did not care. They were meat. More would come. I threw their bodies into the abyss for my wendigo brethren and disguised myself as one of the expedition members. As I had taken their knowledge, I knew that more would follow. The feast had just started.

In round 3, we were a plasma spore on a comedy tour. We were a barely sentient colony of microorganisms that had been stuck in a crate filled with "101 Funny Jokes for Physicists" and "How to become a successful comedian." Being a dumb sack of plasma, we thought we would try to make it big in the comedy revue. Fortunately, a pack of werewolves had gathered in the bar with their fantastic hair and pina coladas in hand. The crowd howled in laughter at our jokes. Literally.

What sort of animal is made up of cadmium, nickel, and neon?
A CaNiNe.

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RE: The Day of Destiny (LLJK #1 RP Campaign Season 2 - August 19th, 4:00 PM PST) - by sartorius - 08-06-2016, 09:37 AM

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