08-06-2016, 02:31 AM
Bill, I want to give you a big hug IRL for those two hours that were Mayday. Seriously. You provided all the right simuli at all the right times, so much so that I felt GENUINE FEAR when I bumped into an abomination as the shuttle was arriving. Seriously. I know it was 80% the crew's work too, but good on you for making it all come together with your pacing and events. Damn.
Well, as long as we're greentexting these summaries...
>Jordan Lawson, Security Officer
>it's a normal day
>lots of coworkers for once
>patrol station, nothing big going down
>suddenly, a distress call!
>some junker has triggered our proximity sensors ahead of the ship...
>security mobilizes the pods, gets some recon and retrieval going
>cold ass russian weed ship, blood everywhere
>they are twitchy as all hell, but that's probably because of the shock of what they went through
>get them back to the station, muttering all the way
>call one of the survivors in for questioning regarding the accident
>his name is Paul
Can I just break here for a moment to say that amaranthineApocalypse was the BEST freaking traumatized survivor I could have asked for? Like damn.
>Paul is stuttery, frequently panicking at the slightest thing, and looks like he's been living off of roots for a month
>he starts to hyperventilate outside sec, talking about whispers in his head
>I don't want to cause a scene, so I bring him inside, sit him down next to me
>clap my hands over his ears, tell him to listen to my blood
>he shivers, starts to breath normally again...
>tell him this:
>"Volcanoes inside all of us."
>he's okay now, he's not gonna freak out.
>At this point, I've decided: I'm gonna help this poor soul.
>he's too damn twitchy right now, decide to let him acclimate back to living a life without fear of death before I start questioning him
>take him to HoP for a job and a wage
>he gets a position as a security officer!
>gets himself a bitchin cool red cape/bedsheet thing
>looks cozy
>we go to get a drink at the bar, some hot chocolate or something
>he's still super strung-out
>then, another signal!
>this time from Ice Moon Theta
>Paul freaks the fuck out, then
>starts yelling in the middle of the bar about how Theta isn't safe
>I manage to gather the fact that the ship they were on was an escape vessel, from Theta
>he starts to say something about Theta still being-
>but then the radiation alarms start blaring
>blowout inbound, 51 seconds
>I grab my poor idiot's hand and drag him into the Janitor/Telesci Maint
>he huddles into the corner with his cocoa and I explain to him that we're safe here, now
>this is normal, no reason to panic
>I take a moment to catch up with the sec channel chatter
>Stan, trusted sec officer, yells something about others at Theta besides the expedition team
>then cuts out as the radiation alarms stop
>I decide to get Paul somewhere isolated so that I can leave him for a bit and help people who are yelling over comms
>show him cloning on the way to the room farthest to port side
>reassure him that we aboard the Destiny have devised a way to CHEAT DEATH ITSELF!
>he's impressed, but...
>memories come back to him...
>tells me that even the cloners aren't enough if there's not enough body
>I ask what the hell he means
>he tells me that whatever attacked him and his crew of previously 30 left nothing but skin and bones
>he calls the leftovers "husks"
>get him to his safety room, relay the info he's just given me to my superiors
>walk back into the room, he's spaced somewhere really far away
>whispers a name
>I shake him, get him back to here and now
>he starts back to the present
>tell him I have to go help some idiot trapped in maint
>he says he's okay with staying where he is...
>says he'd rather be alone for a bit
>leave a revolver with him for his self-defense
It was a Russian, but y'know, I don't know that in-game, do I?
>stop on my way to free that guy to talk to some other survivor chatting with herself FURIOUSLY outside Sec
>saying some downright creepy shit
Props to Rain too, that was legitimately disturbing.
>can't find the trapped guy, walk through Disposals
>check the pile of stuff for whatever might have floated down here
>what is that...?
>grab for evidence, freaking out right now
>reconfirm location of trapped guy
>meanwhile someone's screaming about a beast dragging someone into an abyss on Theta
>free the guy, get called to kitchen
>someone has stuffed a skeletal corpse of some poor QM into the hotdog cart
>at this point I've almost completely lost it
>fuck the dead guy, they're yelling about someone bombing Telesci and stranding our men on the planet
>rush into telesci to receive them like they're begging for
>lots of people in there, screaming not to do it for the sake of quarantine and safety
>people yelling about The Swarm
>"You think I'm going to let people DIE?"
>recall those fools
>only one guy comes through
>it's Geoff
>Dominick screams over the radio at the exact same time as he comes through that he's being eaten alive by something on Theta
>nobody else comes through the teleport no matter how many times I recieve...
>Geoff says that everyone's been murdered by Dom
>at this point, some voice begins talking to me about assimilation and the uselessness of the individual
>this lovely exchange happens:
>"You're hearing things too? I'm not alone!"
>"We ... We can't be alone.... Not anymore..."
>suddenly a GODDAMN WENDIGO is on the radio growling about meat
>... I gotta find Paul
>get back to the room I left him
>he's not there
>gun's still lying where I left it
>panic oh god no where is Paul
>find him in medbay, shake his ass awake
>he's alive, and okay
>I'm legitimately happy
>drag him into one of the patient rooms, sit with him
>someone finally hits the Red Alert
>everyone has finally entered final panic mode
>everywhere, screams
>and here are Paul and I, waiting for the end in a dark room in medbay
>he tells me he's finally ready to tell me about Theta
>tells me how he and his wife were almost to escape
>his wife's name was Sylvie
>uh oh
>tells me that they saw a husk
>he would have ignored it...
>but it had his wife's necklace
>he turns to his wife...
>and it clasps its hands around his throat
>it had her eyes as it strangled him
>he had to kill it
>and so he did
>[Jordan Lawson sits heavily on the bed, leaning over himself.]
>fug man
I didn't know any one of you had the ability to craft a story that could actually break my heart from inside a 2d spehss station. God damn.
>I apologize to him
>I lied when I said it was going to be okay
>...It will never be okay again.
>whatever it was that was talking to me, it's goading me to Theta now.
>I accept it
>I'm gonna get to Theta if it kills me
>Paul tells me he wants to escape, though
>so I agree to get him there
>we walk out into medbay...
>only to hear screams from the lobby
>and some awful voice from the intercoms....
>turn the corner, OH GOD WHAT IS THAT
>flesh monstrosity shambling down the corridor towards us
I'm pretty sure my heartrate was top speed at this point, IRL.
>some medbay member runs ahead of it, screaming for her life
>it knocks her down, probably gonna kill her horribly
>don't intend to stick around to find out
>Paul and I run the other fucking way
>snake up through Maint
>bar's on fire, Paul catches on fire, screaming
>put him out, drag him to Escape
>I say a quick goodbye, watch as he boards the shuttle...
>Totally weren't like 10 gunshots as he walked on
>no time to think about that
>only Theta now
>get to Telepad...
>and it's out of power
>another guy shows up and slams his head in a door when he sees the state the telepad's in
>I agree with his logic at this point
>take out the revolver that I grabbed when I couldn't find Paul
Seriously, that was SO freaking fun. And terrifying. And FUN!
And you know what REALLY kills me? PAUL WAS A LING THE WHOLE TIME.
Well, as long as we're greentexting these summaries...
>Jordan Lawson, Security Officer
>it's a normal day
>lots of coworkers for once
>patrol station, nothing big going down
>suddenly, a distress call!
>some junker has triggered our proximity sensors ahead of the ship...
>security mobilizes the pods, gets some recon and retrieval going
>cold ass russian weed ship, blood everywhere
>they are twitchy as all hell, but that's probably because of the shock of what they went through
>get them back to the station, muttering all the way
>call one of the survivors in for questioning regarding the accident
>his name is Paul
Can I just break here for a moment to say that amaranthineApocalypse was the BEST freaking traumatized survivor I could have asked for? Like damn.
>Paul is stuttery, frequently panicking at the slightest thing, and looks like he's been living off of roots for a month
>he starts to hyperventilate outside sec, talking about whispers in his head
>I don't want to cause a scene, so I bring him inside, sit him down next to me
>clap my hands over his ears, tell him to listen to my blood
>he shivers, starts to breath normally again...
>tell him this:
>"Volcanoes inside all of us."
>he's okay now, he's not gonna freak out.
>At this point, I've decided: I'm gonna help this poor soul.
>he's too damn twitchy right now, decide to let him acclimate back to living a life without fear of death before I start questioning him
>take him to HoP for a job and a wage
>he gets a position as a security officer!
>gets himself a bitchin cool red cape/bedsheet thing
>looks cozy
>we go to get a drink at the bar, some hot chocolate or something
>he's still super strung-out
>then, another signal!
>this time from Ice Moon Theta
>Paul freaks the fuck out, then
>starts yelling in the middle of the bar about how Theta isn't safe
>I manage to gather the fact that the ship they were on was an escape vessel, from Theta
>he starts to say something about Theta still being-
>but then the radiation alarms start blaring
>blowout inbound, 51 seconds
>I grab my poor idiot's hand and drag him into the Janitor/Telesci Maint
>he huddles into the corner with his cocoa and I explain to him that we're safe here, now
>this is normal, no reason to panic
>I take a moment to catch up with the sec channel chatter
>Stan, trusted sec officer, yells something about others at Theta besides the expedition team
>then cuts out as the radiation alarms stop
>I decide to get Paul somewhere isolated so that I can leave him for a bit and help people who are yelling over comms
>show him cloning on the way to the room farthest to port side
>reassure him that we aboard the Destiny have devised a way to CHEAT DEATH ITSELF!
>he's impressed, but...
>memories come back to him...
>tells me that even the cloners aren't enough if there's not enough body
>I ask what the hell he means
>he tells me that whatever attacked him and his crew of previously 30 left nothing but skin and bones
>he calls the leftovers "husks"
>get him to his safety room, relay the info he's just given me to my superiors
>walk back into the room, he's spaced somewhere really far away
>whispers a name
>I shake him, get him back to here and now
>he starts back to the present
>tell him I have to go help some idiot trapped in maint
>he says he's okay with staying where he is...
>says he'd rather be alone for a bit
>leave a revolver with him for his self-defense
It was a Russian, but y'know, I don't know that in-game, do I?
>stop on my way to free that guy to talk to some other survivor chatting with herself FURIOUSLY outside Sec
>saying some downright creepy shit
Props to Rain too, that was legitimately disturbing.
>can't find the trapped guy, walk through Disposals
>check the pile of stuff for whatever might have floated down here
>what is that...?
>grab for evidence, freaking out right now
>reconfirm location of trapped guy
>meanwhile someone's screaming about a beast dragging someone into an abyss on Theta
>free the guy, get called to kitchen
>someone has stuffed a skeletal corpse of some poor QM into the hotdog cart
>at this point I've almost completely lost it
>fuck the dead guy, they're yelling about someone bombing Telesci and stranding our men on the planet
>rush into telesci to receive them like they're begging for
>lots of people in there, screaming not to do it for the sake of quarantine and safety
>people yelling about The Swarm
>"You think I'm going to let people DIE?"
>recall those fools
>only one guy comes through
>it's Geoff
>Dominick screams over the radio at the exact same time as he comes through that he's being eaten alive by something on Theta
>nobody else comes through the teleport no matter how many times I recieve...
>Geoff says that everyone's been murdered by Dom
>at this point, some voice begins talking to me about assimilation and the uselessness of the individual
>this lovely exchange happens:
>"You're hearing things too? I'm not alone!"
>"We ... We can't be alone.... Not anymore..."
>suddenly a GODDAMN WENDIGO is on the radio growling about meat
>... I gotta find Paul
>get back to the room I left him
>he's not there
>gun's still lying where I left it
>panic oh god no where is Paul
>find him in medbay, shake his ass awake
>he's alive, and okay
>I'm legitimately happy
>drag him into one of the patient rooms, sit with him
>someone finally hits the Red Alert
>everyone has finally entered final panic mode
>everywhere, screams
>and here are Paul and I, waiting for the end in a dark room in medbay
>he tells me he's finally ready to tell me about Theta
>tells me how he and his wife were almost to escape
>his wife's name was Sylvie
>uh oh
>tells me that they saw a husk
>he would have ignored it...
>but it had his wife's necklace
>he turns to his wife...
>and it clasps its hands around his throat
>it had her eyes as it strangled him
>he had to kill it
>and so he did
>[Jordan Lawson sits heavily on the bed, leaning over himself.]
>fug man
I didn't know any one of you had the ability to craft a story that could actually break my heart from inside a 2d spehss station. God damn.
>I apologize to him
>I lied when I said it was going to be okay
>...It will never be okay again.
>whatever it was that was talking to me, it's goading me to Theta now.
>I accept it
>I'm gonna get to Theta if it kills me
>Paul tells me he wants to escape, though
>so I agree to get him there
>we walk out into medbay...
>only to hear screams from the lobby
>and some awful voice from the intercoms....
>turn the corner, OH GOD WHAT IS THAT
>flesh monstrosity shambling down the corridor towards us
I'm pretty sure my heartrate was top speed at this point, IRL.
>some medbay member runs ahead of it, screaming for her life
>it knocks her down, probably gonna kill her horribly
>don't intend to stick around to find out
>Paul and I run the other fucking way
>snake up through Maint
>bar's on fire, Paul catches on fire, screaming
>put him out, drag him to Escape
>I say a quick goodbye, watch as he boards the shuttle...
>Totally weren't like 10 gunshots as he walked on
>no time to think about that
>only Theta now
>get to Telepad...
>and it's out of power
>another guy shows up and slams his head in a door when he sees the state the telepad's in
>I agree with his logic at this point
>take out the revolver that I grabbed when I couldn't find Paul

Seriously, that was SO freaking fun. And terrifying. And FUN!
And you know what REALLY kills me? PAUL WAS A LING THE WHOLE TIME.