08-05-2016, 09:01 PM
i made an account just to post the amount of fun i had in episode 2
>be the only geneticist
>first bit of round is pretty chill, do basically nothing except work on genetics and check the rules from MD
>give myself and the MD x-ray vision, give myself teleportation
>some union rep comes in and complains about the fact that i killed a monkey because i left it in the chamber for like 15 minutes
>ignore him
>theta outpost stuff happens and i ignore it since i'm doing genetics
>later see him tied up by MD via x-ray vision and decide to mess with him with telepathy
>offer to turn him into monkey
>on radio sec asks for a psychiatrist to help with a patient from the Theta Outpost
>not acutally a psychiatrist but i'm basically qualified enough so i head over
>patient is going crazy in the room, yelling wildly about "the swarm" and how it was coming, pretty much causing mass chaos
>attempt to calm down, radiation storm hits and patient escapes in the commotion in the tunnels
>while chasing them down I hear a theta survivor and the chaplain talking and hear the theta survivor say "no one will listen"
>stop because my goal is to figure out what happened so i can help the escaped patient
>survivor tells me that if anyone comes back from the expedition we're all dead
>help survivor break telesci's teleporter while the chaplain tries to find the captain and hos
>chaos starts happening as the multiple lings on the ship start attacking
>me, the survivor, the chaplain, and another med personnel go to the bridge to attempt to survive
>this whole time i'm telling people not to come back from theta outpost
>guy on sec tells people to hunt me down so i'm pretty much screwed
>as the wendigo starts taunting people i begin to break down
>i turn into a statue due to the genetic instability from all the mutations i gave myself
>freaks out the medical personnel even more since the med personnel lost their id and pda earlier and knows its stolen
from then i watched the death squad come on the shuttle and destroy basically everyone on the destiny
turns out all the survivors were lings, including the two i talked to.
pretty much the best two hours i've had on ss13 ever. i loved trying to solve a huge mystery with partial info and then pretty much hiding from everything later as chaos erupted.
s2's gonna be great
>be the only geneticist
>first bit of round is pretty chill, do basically nothing except work on genetics and check the rules from MD
>give myself and the MD x-ray vision, give myself teleportation
>some union rep comes in and complains about the fact that i killed a monkey because i left it in the chamber for like 15 minutes
>ignore him
>theta outpost stuff happens and i ignore it since i'm doing genetics
>later see him tied up by MD via x-ray vision and decide to mess with him with telepathy
>offer to turn him into monkey
>on radio sec asks for a psychiatrist to help with a patient from the Theta Outpost
>not acutally a psychiatrist but i'm basically qualified enough so i head over
>patient is going crazy in the room, yelling wildly about "the swarm" and how it was coming, pretty much causing mass chaos
>attempt to calm down, radiation storm hits and patient escapes in the commotion in the tunnels
>while chasing them down I hear a theta survivor and the chaplain talking and hear the theta survivor say "no one will listen"
>stop because my goal is to figure out what happened so i can help the escaped patient
>survivor tells me that if anyone comes back from the expedition we're all dead
>help survivor break telesci's teleporter while the chaplain tries to find the captain and hos
>chaos starts happening as the multiple lings on the ship start attacking
>me, the survivor, the chaplain, and another med personnel go to the bridge to attempt to survive
>this whole time i'm telling people not to come back from theta outpost
>guy on sec tells people to hunt me down so i'm pretty much screwed
>as the wendigo starts taunting people i begin to break down
>i turn into a statue due to the genetic instability from all the mutations i gave myself
>freaks out the medical personnel even more since the med personnel lost their id and pda earlier and knows its stolen
from then i watched the death squad come on the shuttle and destroy basically everyone on the destiny
turns out all the survivors were lings, including the two i talked to.
pretty much the best two hours i've had on ss13 ever. i loved trying to solve a huge mystery with partial info and then pretty much hiding from everything later as chaos erupted.
s2's gonna be great