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Remove the majority of headsets, replace them with PDAs
So, I was thinking about how PDA's are sorta like the game's equivalent to smartphones, and it got me wondering. If everyone is carrying around a PDA, why does everyone also need a headset?

So the idea is to just have your PDA function as your radio. Same as before, typing a ";" or a ":h" before talking will transmit what you say over the respective channels. Headsets will still be around, but maybe just Heads and Security would spawn with them. A big box of them could be available in customs or mechanics.

I think this would be good for consolidating equipment, freeing up the ear slot for things like ear plugs or entirely new ear based items like headphones for tape cassettes, and it would make PDA bombing more effective since the victims couldn't immediately tell everyone to turn them off messaging without also missing out on radio communication unless they grab the oft ignored station bounced radios.

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Remove the majority of headsets, replace them with PDAs - by Frank_Stein - 07-31-2016, 11:27 PM

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