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Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing.
Prospector Pete's robusting tips

Be prepared to robust at any time.  Carry a weapon of some sort on you at all times.
The best weapons are hard to get without access or nerdery, so things like the razor blades and even screwdrivers are preferable to nab at first.  When you find something better, grab it!
Surprise is your best friend.  Generally you won't start a fight, but if you can run you can be in control of it.  Hide in a bush or locker and catch your opponent unawares after dashing off screen.

If you're stuck with some jerk and don't have the access to leave, the garbage chute is always a dangerous option.  

If you're unlucky enough not to have a weapon, keep the Disarm intent up.  Hell, always keep it up, the chance to block attacks can be a life-saver.

If you're expecting trouble or just really want to be prepared, bring a medkit.  It can mean the difference between passing out in crit and being beaten to death by a gasping assistant or being the one to strangle the life out of him after you healed up in a lull in the fight.

Don't be afraid to call Security.  Don't expect them to show up in time either, or at all.

Your best friend is anyone but the person attacking you.  If it's with illegal access weapons or traitor gear, beeepsky is your best friend.  If you're really paranoid, carry a securitron around or have a guard buddy bodyguard you.  

Try not to kill people if you aren't a traitor.  If they just won't stop coming after you and you need to kill them to survive, make sure you explain that quickly to anyone who shows up. 

If you somehow got in an actual fight and don't have the element of surprise, remember to keep clicking on your opponent's avatar even if you're not next to each other.  It'll help you hit even when lag strikes.

In a real fight, dodge rapidly around and avoid standing still.  If you can do it while spamming the movement keys, even better.

Most mobs are stupid and get hung up on tables and such, use that to your advantage! 

If you're sec and are sick of getting robusted wearing the red....stop wearing it.  Change your outfit and change the outlook others have on you!

Use the buddy system!  Two versus one can mean  a lot in this game, at the very least one can get away to get help or drag your body.

That's all I can think of for now good luck

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RE: Tips N' Tricks & Little things you learned that are game changing. - by poland spring - 07-28-2016, 07:11 PM

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