We all fucked up with the VOX thing.
No one implemented the thing to allow us to whitelist VOX and we didn't really stop you all from making those applications and as it is making the mentor forum cluttered with useless threads I will move all the VOX applications to the denied forum.

Actually I just realized that'd make the denied forum cluttered with useless applications, so I'll just merge them all with this one and move this there.

Messages In This Thread
TheNewTeddy AI/VOX Application - by TheNewTeddy - 07-05-2016, 03:26 AM
Musketman12 AI/VOX Application - by Musketman12 - 07-05-2016, 07:20 AM
medsal15's VOX/AI application - by medsal15 - 07-05-2016, 11:07 AM
Erev for VOX - by Erev - 07-05-2016, 01:21 PM
NateTheSquid for VOX - by NateTheSquid - 07-05-2016, 04:28 PM
RE: medsal15's VOX/AI application - by 69andahalf - 07-06-2016, 02:29 PM
RE: Erev for VOX - by 69andahalf - 07-06-2016, 02:32 PM
Zaccy14 for VOX - by zaccy14 - 07-11-2016, 08:57 AM
Poland spring vox application - by poland spring - 07-13-2016, 10:25 AM
Totheark - VOX Application - by Totheark - 07-14-2016, 07:41 AM
We all fucked up with the VOX thing. - by Huff H Law - 07-21-2016, 08:50 AM
DaberWebir VOX Access - by Dabir - 07-25-2016, 03:04 PM
RE: DaberWebir VOX Access - by Noah Buttes - 07-25-2016, 04:15 PM

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