03-07-2013, 05:48 AM
It was one of my first times on Cogblap, I signed up as a MD and went to get a ID Change and surprisingly a man with an obsidian crown was beating the hop to death. I threw my PDA at him so he would attack me but he ignored me and continued the beating. I tried to help the security team but was warped into the security area and all I could do was steal a hat and go into the public prison. (I also had the Port-A-Brig remote) anyways a new prisoner arrived, he was screaming about the revolution. I didn't know this and didn't care really. Anyways as a officer set us free a strange new turn of events happened. Lava, lava came pouring in from everywhere and managed to get the AI to open the HoS office. I was trapped and the bridge filled up too. So now my only option was to wait until the shuttle left or not. The AI was torn between laws so I asked him to "accidentally" open a door so that I may die with honor. As the door opened I stepped proudly into the lava, however I didn't burn horribly so I told the AI I was alive but I think he depowered himself so I was alone.I saluted as the shuttle left the station.
My first nuke ops round
My first nuke ops round