07-12-2016, 09:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-12-2016, 10:10 AM by Noah Buttes.)
(07-12-2016, 09:03 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: An infinite burger: It'll never run out of bites!
I'll make it taste bland. Added to the implementation queue with an attribution.
(07-12-2016, 09:20 AM)Mageziya Wrote: Return of the Jugglemancler
-The contract signer is turned into a clown. Any item that the clown picks up will be promptly juggled. Any item. (If it's too unbearable, maybe make it a % chance to juggle, so that the clown can still do some things.) Do note that if this is implemented, you'll really want to examine how this interacts with grabs, people, and flung objects, otherwise we might literally have a Jugglemancy incident 2.0 on our hands. (Not that that's a bad thing) If that can't be avoided, then make it a limited contract and watch in awe as the dark art of jugglemancy returns.
I'd rather not bring back jugglemancy, but I can easily make a contract that gives non-clowns the capability to juggle by setting their can_juggle var to 1. I could then give them a variant of the fart mutation, but with the *juggle/*twirl/*spin emotes. They're so enthralled with their new juggling powers that they can't stop juggling things.
I'll add that to the implementation queue with an attribution.
(07-12-2016, 09:20 AM)Mageziya Wrote: Wrath of the Limbless
-One time, a long time ago, I made a deal with Satan in this game. I turned from a borg into a Macho Man who promptly had all their limbs fall off. The ideas I have for this one are less precise. If it's a limited contract, make this an alternate version of the wrassler contract. If it's renewable, give them the Jumpy mutation and maybe a few others (Not random mutations, but preset.) Potentially finding a way to prevent them from reattaching their limbs, while probably difficult to do, would greatly expand the possibilities of this one in terms of power level. I'm ultimately not sure about this idea, but some input on it would be good.
I don't really like the idea of a limbless contract, but you gave me the inspiration to come up with another related idea. Regenerating chainsaw arms. The upside: you have two chainsaw arms that regrow if anyone removes them. The downside: You have no normal arms.
I'll add that idea to the implementation pile with an attribution to you.
(07-12-2016, 09:33 AM)poland spring Wrote: George Melons contract: changes your name to George Melons and makes you look like him. That's it.
Edit: or like maybe some random person on station.
Also mindswap like the jukebox could be fun
I don't really like mindswap, too much potential for unfun shenanigans rather than hilarious shenanigans.
The disguise thing might work but I'm not really seeing the potential for backfiring there.
(07-12-2016, 09:40 AM)Nnystyxx Wrote: A contract that changes one of your emote sounds to a completely random sound*
(*note you may be subject to gibbing depending on the sound)
I love it. I'll probably have to prevent it from picking vox sounds though, and I'm not totally sure how to sort through the sounds to pick a random one.
Putting it in the "MAYBE" pile with an attribution.