07-07-2016, 07:48 AM
A huge bunch of items infront of you? Want to select it without nigh crashing byond? Use the local tab pick up item and press the first letter of your object on your list to immediately bring it up. Much better than ctrl+shift+alt click 
Workin' as a janitor? Use your trashcart. Again using the local tab to open/close, you can drag your cart over objects, and open/close it without pixel hunting for the cart which lies underneath. Failing that, drag clicking to the cart stuffs it in.
Replacing lights? Holding a light-tube/bulb, press the broken light to immediately swap it out.
Bring cleanbots with you in the trashcart too. Open the cart to "deploy" them.
You have a spare pare of galoshes in the north wing, get them immediately, as your galoshes that are on your feet may well be robbed or you can use them as a bargaining tool.
Barman? Traitor? Your 120 unit pourer will take ALOT of poison. Order some poison + moonshine and make a 120 concoction watered down of said poison. Feed it to them though the pourer, drinking doesn't actually take that long to inflict in comparison to injecting for example. The poison + moonshine will make an obnoxious toxic mix that is hard to flush out even with calomel.
Robosto - tap page down/c furiously when grabbing a player to upgrade your grab quickly to aggressive. You'll find a lot of experienced users doing this, the counter to resist out of this is literally resist, something that isn't done a lot, but you'd see it in some boxing matches/hall fights.
Clown? Got something someone can slip on? Never place it/throw it with the intention that someone will trip on it, instead attempt for someone to chase you and drop it. Or "fall over" (actually rest) and drop it that way. Failing that, standing beside someone, dropping it, then pulling that person towards it is also adequate slipping technique.
Security? Fighting a wizard? Aim to silence them. Best way to do this is to empty a clip of your taser into them till the go unconscious. They will not able to use any of their spells that way.
Fighting a changeling? Hack the sec machine and get a flash/battery assembly. Take two. Two will sustain a stun and engulf the ling in flames without the need for chemistry. Quite effective.
Fighting a vampire? Don't bother with thermals, buy yourself one of those light modules in the pda vending machine. Get yourself some form of lethal weaponry, even if you do not intend on killing the vampire; the bats are unavoidable.

Workin' as a janitor? Use your trashcart. Again using the local tab to open/close, you can drag your cart over objects, and open/close it without pixel hunting for the cart which lies underneath. Failing that, drag clicking to the cart stuffs it in.
Replacing lights? Holding a light-tube/bulb, press the broken light to immediately swap it out.
Bring cleanbots with you in the trashcart too. Open the cart to "deploy" them.
You have a spare pare of galoshes in the north wing, get them immediately, as your galoshes that are on your feet may well be robbed or you can use them as a bargaining tool.
Barman? Traitor? Your 120 unit pourer will take ALOT of poison. Order some poison + moonshine and make a 120 concoction watered down of said poison. Feed it to them though the pourer, drinking doesn't actually take that long to inflict in comparison to injecting for example. The poison + moonshine will make an obnoxious toxic mix that is hard to flush out even with calomel.
Robosto - tap page down/c furiously when grabbing a player to upgrade your grab quickly to aggressive. You'll find a lot of experienced users doing this, the counter to resist out of this is literally resist, something that isn't done a lot, but you'd see it in some boxing matches/hall fights.
Clown? Got something someone can slip on? Never place it/throw it with the intention that someone will trip on it, instead attempt for someone to chase you and drop it. Or "fall over" (actually rest) and drop it that way. Failing that, standing beside someone, dropping it, then pulling that person towards it is also adequate slipping technique.
Security? Fighting a wizard? Aim to silence them. Best way to do this is to empty a clip of your taser into them till the go unconscious. They will not able to use any of their spells that way.
Fighting a changeling? Hack the sec machine and get a flash/battery assembly. Take two. Two will sustain a stun and engulf the ling in flames without the need for chemistry. Quite effective.
Fighting a vampire? Don't bother with thermals, buy yourself one of those light modules in the pda vending machine. Get yourself some form of lethal weaponry, even if you do not intend on killing the vampire; the bats are unavoidable.