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Pathology Rework Feature Specification
Hello everyone! Over the past month or so I've seen many people talk about pathology needing an overhaul. Seeing as I'd like to start coding for Goon, I decided that this would be a great project for me to take on. After about a week of drafting, I present the specifications for my pathology rework: (use the navigation on the left to quickly skip through it).

Please use this thread to let me know how you feel about pathology, the rework spec, and anything else related to it.

Some important stuff:
- Nothing in the doc is final and everything is subject to change, this isn't a "here's what's going to be added" but is instead a list of changes and ideas I've come up with
- If you find any sort of grammatical or spelling error, or something is hard to read and needs clarification, comment on the doc, not here
- This is something that I would both like to code and am willing to code, so don't worry about finding someone to do all this work smile

Messages In This Thread
Pathology Rework Feature Specification - by SirSavary - 07-03-2016, 03:29 PM

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