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Money/Economy/QM Thread
v < Loans
Research/development > Payroll budget > QM Budget ^> Centcom/nanotrasen > Research/development

A guy gets paid, he spends cash on vending machines, Job equipment, Food, and personal stuff from QM.
All the cash that gets spent goes to QM where he hands out loans, orders equipment and the personal stuff.
The cash that goes to Centcom stays there as there profit.
If we bring back research profits we can earn back as much cash or even more that was spent with Pod manufacturing, research, and the stuff sold from Botany, electronics. ect . Actually doing our jobs as a research station should be more profitable. This way we don't have to rely on others and can make a profit on our own.

Just to clear thing's up, by research profits I mean $10,000 for reaching tier 3 of robotics.ect

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