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Major Please report all bug caused by the new movement update here.
Tasers are currently insanely powerful with the current movement system. You literally need to be hit just once with a taser and you're made essentially incapable of moving for what feels like a good 3-5 seconds or so. Basically, it gives time for the rest of the taser gun to be fired into your face.

Pod movement is still nastied, with pods being just gross to control. Precision has been lost, and you essentially need to rapidly mash movement keys while praying that your pod responds in order to do anything with any level of precision.

Clown cars are also a little nastied. Precision has been lost, which is actually a bit of a big deal with clown cars because of how they punish players for lack of precision.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Please report all bug caused by the new movement update here. - by Mageziya - 06-24-2016, 09:47 AM

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