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Give chaplains maintenance access by default
My personal preference would be to turn the current binary Yes Access vs No Access into a 0-3 system.

1: Cannot open door. Current "No Access" functionality.
2: Can open door normally. Current "Yes Access" functionality.
3: Can open door normally, or, as a right click option, toggle its access requirements. When access is disabled, anyone who has a non-0 access level for that door can enter or exit.
0: Cannot open door. Cannot open door even if someone disables the access requirements. Securitrons will arrest you if they see you next to the door.

(Non-Security) Heads would get a button that toggles all the doors in their department, as per 3. Head of Security would instead get the Maintenance toggle button.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Give chaplains maintenance access by default - by Grek - 06-03-2016, 12:43 AM

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