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Lag causes hellburn engine to break.
(05-29-2016, 08:40 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: That used to only happen with canbomb level lag. If it happens from smaller lagstorms like hellfoam or ttvs then it's troublesome.

If you're running a tight burn (1 tile fire) you might want to up the fire size a bit. It might help mitigate the problem.
Yeah, the reason I posted this was because there was an explosion in cloning (literally just the size of cloning) and it ended up disabling the engine from the lag. I also have tried putting up the gas mixer pressure to 150 kPa (anything beyond that is just extremely innefficient and you shouldn't have to use that to get around a bug) and the engine still ends up breaking.

(05-29-2016, 09:01 PM)Mageziya Wrote: This probably relates to how the "new" system reduces lag by temporarily putting stuff off until the next tick, if I remember correctly about being how that works. Couple that with the new extremely high tick-rate, and I could see stuff being needing to be shoved off to the next tick more often due having less time available to occur.

Let's hope it doesn't relate to the lag fixes, because fixing something like that would require really fundamental changes.
That definitely sounds like what is happening. How hard would that be to fix? On a side note, this has happened more after the tickrate was doubled, so that may definitely be contributing to why even a small explosion can ruin the engine.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Lag causes hellburn engine to break. - by Triacontakai - 05-30-2016, 04:44 AM

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