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[FEATURE] Infernal Contracts - A Chaplain Traitor Item/Admin Gimmick
(05-15-2016, 01:58 PM)Noah Buttes Wrote: It is shamefully hacky, but it's the best way I could think of to do it.

You could use the GetCopy() proc of the bioEffect to instantiate a local copy of the already existing bio effects, and then use those to apply them onto the new mobs, or you could simply do the following after you apply the new effects.

for(var/A in owner.bioholder.effects)
    var/datum/bioEffect/BF = A
    BF.curable_by_mutadone = 0
    BF.can_reclaim = 0
    BF.can_scramble = 0

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RE: [FEATURE] Infernal Contracts - A Chaplain Traitor Item/Admin Gimmick - by Erik - 05-15-2016, 02:06 PM

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